O tema ainda é polêmico, divide opiniões, gerou um grande filme ao menos (Guerra ao Terror, de Kathryn Bigelow), mas ao que parece, estamos todos em um barco sem saída*. Mas e a partir disso, que fazer? Será que a idéia dos EUA e da Inglaterra de desistirem da luta é uma solução?
Melanie Phillips, do "The Spectator" responde à essas e outras questões em artigo que deixa claro que o principal inimigo do Ocidente, não é está no Iraque, no Afeganistão, mas em nós mesmos.
"...they are responding to public opinion which seems not to understand why we are in Afghanistan — nor indeed about the wider defence against the global jihad. But that’s because politicians on both sides of the Atlantic have never told the public the truth. They refuse to say that this is a global religious war waged by militant Islam, because they are terrified of enraging Muslims at home and abroad.
This gross failure of leadership has helped create the current mood of defeatism that threatens to bring about the eclipse of the West. Now Africa will doubtless become yet another front in this war for us to ignore, while being used to undermine still further the defence being undertaken on the others.
And that’s before we even think about Iran. Which we certainly will do our damnedest not to do, except to use it to rubbish the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the non-war in Africa — not forgetting the non-existent domestic terrorist threat posed by the fictional jihadis of the non-existent global religious war against the free world who are merely reacting to our aggression against them.
To identify our greatest enemy of all, therefore, we should not look to Afghanistan, Iran or Africa: we should look in a mirror."
*um submarino!
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